History has proven, certainly over the last 30 years I’ve been in the business, that nobody is better at finding gold deposits than the juniors.

George Salamis is the CEO of Integra Resources and past Chairman of Integra Gold, which was sold to Eldorado Gold in 2017 for $590 million.
Unlike many publishers in the mining industry, who focus their efforts on telling the world how smart they are, at Resource Insider we spend our time learning from the best and brightest in the resource sector – then applying the lessons learned to our own investment strategy and sharing with our members.
One of those bright lights is George.
There are few people in this space that can boast George’s technical background, capital markets savvy and track record of success, and even fewer that take the time to teach and mentor in the industry.
In this conversation we discuss George’s views on mining M&A, how companies position themselves for success, and what investors should be looking at when allocating capital to potential takeout targets. We also cover:
- What’s going on with all the M&A in the gold sector today?
- Why you should never let naysayers win.
- What to look for in a young up-and-coming CEO.
- Balancing confidence with the humility.
- Why George was brought in as the Chairman of Integra Gold.
- Lessons learned from selling 6 companies.
- The importance of maintaining optionality.
- How big is too big for a junior miner?
- And much more…
This interview was recorded in compliment to a recent article George wrote highlighting his experience and the lessons learned in the course of selling several companies. You should definitely check out the article here.
Jamie Keech
PS: You can also check us out on iTunes here.