Tag: Entrepreneurism

Business lessons prostitution
Chris MacIntosh

What This High-End Escort Can Teach You About Business

At a recent meeting with a VC in Singapore a strangely interesting article Sex is Sex. But Money Is Money. was shared with me. It was written by a 24-year-old ex-New York escort named Svetlana, and I recommend it to entrepreneurs, business owners and investors alike. What I found most fascinating

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Passion – It’s Not Just What Happens Between the Sheets

Most of the really big returns made by investors and entrepreneurs come from companies which seem to have one unmistakable element. We look at a mountain of deals and consequently the filtering process is very rapid. In fact over 90% of the deals that hit our respective desks are pre-filtered

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6 Ways to Improve Decision Making

It was one of my first private equity deals ever. I was introduced to a group of guys, all sporting adequate qualifications, a good story (BTW, almost everyone has a good story if only in their own minds) and they were already backed by a well-known Angel. The market opportunity

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Shark Tank on a Chair Lift

You’ve probably seen one of those ridiculous TV shows where some guy or girl has to pick from a lineup of potential partners. Contestants compete with one another to “win the affection” of a chosen bachelor or bachelorette. An hour long dinner date or a walk on the beach and

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It’s Over!

At a “pitch fest” a few nights ago, while sitting listening to the companies present their stories, and questioning the founders, one particular company struck me as a glaring outcast. I’ll tell you why they were an outcast, but first… After just a few pointed questions I discovered that this

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Self Sufficiency – Lessons from a Mother

Recently I wrote an article explaining why I want my children to go cold and hungry. I’ve read a lot about resiliency and self sufficiency and I’m oft amused by the concept of resiliency being seen as a setup. A series of items as it were, all provided as a

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I Want My Children to Go Cold and Hungry

Maybe I’m peculiar, which is entirely possible, but I cherish the memories of adventures I had and times spent in awkward situations; the times spent pushing my own personal limits, times when I’ve often been very, very uncomfortable. It’s rare to remember a 5-star hotel no matter how nice it

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