Tag: technology

Coffee Mugs, Human Organs, and AK-47s

In a post entitled “The Future of Manufacturing” we pontificated on one of the technologies which our team and network had been encountering around the world. What we were seeing with 3D printing we believed was changing our world. Naturally, as investors we found an interest in the technology, even

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A Bull Market in PR

The World Cup is on. I sat and watched a game on the weekend with my son. “Dad, that guy completely faked that fall. Couldn’t the ref see that?” My son, who watches precious little television noticed immediately how many of the players were pretending to be hurt at the

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The March of Technology

My recent post “It’s over!” stirred up a lot of emotions. I received many thoughtful replies commending me on it, and quite a few others threatening me and wishing me bodily harm, disease, death or a job at the TSA. I’m not sure which would be worse…? In that piece

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It’s Over!

At a “pitch fest” a few nights ago, while sitting listening to the companies present their stories, and questioning the founders, one particular company struck me as a glaring outcast. I’ll tell you why they were an outcast, but first… After just a few pointed questions I discovered that this

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An App for Your Country?

The world’s gone “tech crazy” once again. ZeroHedge.com recently ran a great article showing the buying spree in the new “Dotcoms.” I’ve nicked the graphic they used in the article, which so eloquently shows the timeline in the current round of acquisitions: In the spirit of educating myself about the

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Capitalizing on Exponential Growth

“There’s no way that company exists in a year.” – Tom Siebel, founder of software firm Siebel Systems. This was Tom Siebel talking about Salesforce.com, easily one of the hottest companies in the cloud computing space, and the reason behind founder Marc Benioff’s billionaire status. Siebel Systems, on the other

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Jailbreaking Education with David Blake

One of my pet passions is education. This stems from having experienced a range of different education mediums, coupled with an intense desire to provide my own children with the best education possible. It’s a topic that should be on everyone’s radar simply because education should NEVER be something one

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