Long-time readers will recall that we laid out why it was that we’d have food shortages well BEFORE the Ukraine conflict.
The reasons were:
- Lockdowns massively impacted supply chains and governments forced closure of food distribution outlets. Everything from butchers, to bakers and of course delis, restaurants, hotels, etc. For instance, in the US this accounted for roughly 30% of food consumption. Those farmers that supplied these outlets that were miraculously deemed “unsafe” and “not critical services” were left with produce for which there was no market. As such, many farmers went bankrupt. If you take 30% out of the supply chain, you can’t then blame food shortages on anything other than your own actions. But that’s not how the government works.
- The war on energy was always going to impact the food supply. There are two main input costs for both agriculture. Both are intrinsically tied to fossil fuels. Diesel and fertilizer, the production of which requires natural gas as well as potash mining. Idiots keep telling us that mining is bad for the environment and fossil fuels will cause us all to get warts, blisters, and have us all underwater within a decade and they do so while sipping on a latte. They’ve literally no idea how that coffee is produced and makes its way into their dainty soft recently moisturized little unspoiled hands.
Now here we are…
Germany warns of ‘brutal’ hunger — RT World News’
“Prices are rising due to sanctions imposed by the collective West under pressure from the United States. This is if we talk about the direct reason. Failure to understand this is a sign of either stupidity or deliberate misleading of the public,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote in her Telegram channel.
She is, of course, right, though the facts don’t matter much anymore on either side of this conflict. That’s what conflict is, I suppose. Inability or simple unwillingness to understand another viewpoint. In any event, Maria is correct.