When we decided to launch a Trade Alert service together with Brad Thomas there were 3 rules we all agreed on:
- Trade for our readers like we trade for our own accounts. This means exactly what it says. We’ve all learned the hard way that getting too fancy is rarely a good idea. Focusing on the fundamentals and trading the technicals is all that matters. It also means NOT attempting anything that doesn’t fit into a sound risk/reward strategy, which brings me to the next point.
- Always ensure we can live to fight another day. Statistically over 80% of traders lose money. Why is this? It is because they believe all the hyped, “get rich quick” plans perpetrated by scoundrels. It is because they are not disciplined, and it is because they are inexperienced.
- No bullshit marketing. Mark, Brad and I have all been consumers at some point of various online trading services and newsletters. Some of them have been extremely good, but most have been very poor. The poor ones typically offer the world and deliver a whole lot less. Their business model rests on sucking in the gullible with marketing copy designed specifically to ensure that you’re salivating with visions of a new Ferrari, yachts and supermodels. What any of these things have to do with trading I have yet to understand, but I’m a simple man who speaks the language of “black and white”. It either works or it doesn’t.
The only way to tell, and I mean ONLY way to tell, if the product is good, bad or ugly is by looking at the track record.
It is for this reason that we decided to prove to our readers what we’re made of. We decided to give away Brad’s trading advice. It’s the kind of advice that uber-wealthy individuals currently pay him six figures annually for.
By offering the Trade Alert service free of charge for five months we were confident that we’d be able to skip all the nonsense marketing copy. We’d be able to show in black and white what you, our readers will be getting. Naturally we can’t promise anything going forward, nor would we ever be so brash as to do so. We’ve all heard the maxim that past performance is no guarantee of future results. The future is unknown, and our balls are definitely not crystal. We only know what has worked for over 30 years.
The greatest percentage rise in a long-dated option takes place when it is in the money and close to expiration. Bearing in mind that the vast majority of Brad’s trades are long-term options with months or even years to continue to play out, we can already see those that are moving in the direction in which we need them to.
Below we review the last five months of trades and the respective returns. Remember, this has been thus far offered as a free service. We sincerely hope you’ve been making the most of it.
We have great confidence that the next time we publish this track record the percentage returns will be reflective of the value premium accorded to options decay when the trades are in the money. In other words, we think they’ll be even more profitable!
$1,000 invested into each trade that brad highlighted looks like this today:
If you’ve been taking advantage of Brad’s Trade Alerts from day one you are enjoying that near 50% return in just five short months!
As you can see from the chart above the vast majority of his trades are for January 2016 expiration and they’re already in the money. There is the very real potential for much, much higher returns to come.
Is it worth six figures to get advice from Brad?
That is clearly the case for some individuals. We realize however that most of our readers do not have hundreds of thousands of dollars to allocate to their options trading accounts. We have therefore tailored the service to suit our readers and priced it accordingly.
Mark and I don’t intend to offer the cheapest products on the planet, and quite frankly we’d be underselling ourselves, and Brad’s exceptional talents and 30 years worth of experience by doing so. You get what you pay for in this life. Nothing we offer is “cheap”. Our private equity syndicate, which is $5,000 per quarter and soon going to $6,250, is expensive and exclusive. Our Meet Ups, where we spare no expense for our attendees are always well-received “one of a kind” experiences.
Because we charge what we’re worth, we don’t get the customer service headaches other guys get. Our subscribers act like adults, because they get treated as such! It’s not arrogance, it’s confidence in our abilities and in our service.
There are countless wannabe trading “gurus” out there offering “cheap” services and products. Cheap is relative. If I pay $99 for something that loses me $5,000 then I’ve just managed to find a VERY expensive service.
Despite not being “cheap”, the Capex Trade Alert service is easily the best “value for money” trading service we have found anywhere. Right now you can join for the first month at just $7. You will immediately receive a complimentary copy of the Capex Trade Alert “Going 4 Gold” Report, which includes five options trades Brad has handpicked. These trades are specifically designed to profit handsomely from the positive turn in the precious metals markets, which we (along with Doug Casey, Eric Sprott, Rick Rule and many others) believe occurred late last year.
Unlike many marketing firms that are really only posing as investment professionals, we don’t offer discounted subscriptions. After your first month $7 trial, your investment in the Capex Trade Alert service will be $147 per month thereafter.
There are no annual billing arrangements. You keep the service for as long as you want, and you can cancel whenever you like. We’re pretty sure you won’t be doing that any time soon.
How can we be so confident?
it’s easy, look at the track record above. Sure, it’s only 5 months, and yes, the markets are performing well right now. However, Brad has been at this game for several decades. We can assure you this is no fluke, or “snapshot” moment in time. Brad delivers these results consistently.
But look, ultimately you are the judge. There are no long-term commitments, so if you try it and you hate it, let us know! We’ll cancel your subscription immediately and refund your money.
Mark and I only talk about investments we’re making ourselves and we only offer products or services we believe in. This is something we put together with Brad. It’s not a third-party service we have no control over. We’re confident you’ll get value from it or we wouldn’t put our names on it!
We hope you join us today! Please CLICK HERE to join now for only $7 for your first month and Get your FREE “Going For Gold” trade report!
– Chris
“When Donald Duck traded his wings for arms, was he trading up or trading down?” – Douglas Coupland