Month: January 2016

Chris MacIntosh

How The Masses Deal With Risk (And Why They Remain Poor)

We no longer live in a world where saber-toothed tigers threaten our existence. In today’s world, far greater risk lies in the truly enormous and disproportionate emotional attitude to (and assessment of) risk. The way the majority of people look at risk is completely wrong. Here’s our view on how risk should be analysed and used to make better decisions in life.

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Drunk guy
Chris MacIntosh

Risk Management Lessons From A Drunk Welshman

If I was to watch the world news every day I would be filled with a burning desire to build myself a hut in the hills, don my hazmat suit and wait for the impending collapse of humanity. I met a guy who’d done pretty much that. He was Welsh

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Zombie Apocalypse
Global Trends
Chris MacIntosh

Blockchain In a Zombie Apocalypse

With a strong focus on investing in game changing trends, whether in private or public markets, it’s not surprising that the technology underpinning the Bitcoin digital currency has been more interesting to us than a gaggle of suntanned string bikinis. I wrote about the technology recently, first here and then again here, and

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Thinking Man
Chris MacIntosh

Discomfort Can Make You Smarter (Try It!)

I love camping in the wilderness with the stars for company. The noise of chirping crickets, bubbling streams, rustling leaves, and not a soul around. I’m all for it. Even the lack of a pillow, the sharp objects poking through a skinny sleeping mat, eating dehydrated vegetables, and smelling like

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