To say that last year was a game-changer seems silly really. It was revealing. For many who don’t follow the financial world, it revealed the incurable monetary problems in the Western led financial system.
For many who don’t follow politics, it revealed the deep state, as from country to country the people’s will was overturned by vested interests.
For many who don’t follow big business, it revealed silicon valley for what it is. A cesspool of Marxist, power hungry technocrats with maniacal tendencies.
What last year was more than anything else, was an accelerant for many of the underlying trends that were already in motion, while bringing on new probabilities and uncertainties.
When looking at the world from a birds eye view, we find that segregating the United States, Canada, Britain and the European Union into separate political and economic entities no longer makes sense.
They are “The Western Bloc”, and are now following the same ideological, political and social paths.
Prior to Covid, we had some reservations as to how things would play out, but now the path seems indisputable. This path is an acceleration of socialism into a blow off top, an authoritarian style of governance, and it will – by necessity – involve printing money in a vain attempt to stave off the collapse.
It wont matter. All will share the same fate.
There is a non-zero chance that a debt forgiveness is tried. This will likely coincide with the issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currency. It will be looked back upon as one of the greatest thefts from the middle class in history, and a final nail in the coffin that is Western hegemony.
Some background:
- The world we’ve all experienced has been dominated by the Western success model. All models have their strengths and weaknesses, and over time these change. Nothing is static nor is it linear. This one has been no different. What has become increasingly evident is that this model has over time decreased in its resilience. It has been overwhelmed by socialism, which has created an entire society that is incapable of withstanding any hardship, even low intensity hardships. This societal structure lends itself towards societies seeking out and championing more of what has been instrumental in its weakness, namely socialism. Read my report entitled What Happens Next on it here. We are now in the final throes of its life. The next final step is authoritarian Marxist rule, and final collapse. Coming out of a collapsed society is rarely rapid. Remember; the USSR lasted 80 years.
- The manufactured hysteria over Covid-19 is being used to extend the life of this dying economic system through what is being sold to an unsuspecting public as “The Great Reset”.
- The ESG trend (read this, this, this and this if you’re not up to speed) is part of this “Great Reset” package. It is simply Marxism in new packaging, with an enormous marketing budget. It’s now dressed up with buzz words such as “sustainability”, “inclusivity” and “equality” and the now much promoted “build back better“.
- In order to
foolconvince people, strong narratives are required. All have been building for years now and one such part of this Marxist agenda is of course “man made climate change”. This has been a tried and tested model. It was originally labeled as Global Warming, but when the absurdity and inability to pretend it existed in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary (no warming), the buzz word was neatly transitioned to Climate Change. Importantly, it allows for the instilling of terror in a populace… and once sufficiently terrorised, people are incredibly malleable.
We have been here before.
Too many exhibits but here is a taste for those who can’t recall…
And this beauty…
Despite all this, we can now expect “climate lockdowns”.
If you think I’m joking, you’ve clearly not been paying attention.
Charles MacKay the author of “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” made the following astute observation after studying and documenting follies, manias, popular delusions and sheer madness exhibited by crowds.
The Great Reset; like climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, and now the Covid hoax, are being promoted in order to distract, terrify, and provide justification for greater authoritarian control as the financial edifice crumbles.
All are built on flimsy, junk science produced by dishonest political hacks on the Government payroll, and spoon fed to the public via mass propaganda.
The reasons for these are twofold.
One is to build a protective wall around themselves (as starving, angry masses can become unruly to deal with) and the other is that we are witness to a vain attempt to dramatically slow the consumption of natural resources (lockdowns on air travel and consumer travel) and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system.
It may prove “stimulatory” for a very short while (massive capital being poured into “green energy”) and provide a short term reprieve from the inevitable, but ultimately won’t address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable.
How long that takes is up for debate – let everyone know your thoughts by clicking below and leaving a comment.
[wpdiscuz-feedback id=”jutf9byqiw” question=”Agree? Disagree? How long before the emperor has no clothes?” opened=”0″][/wpdiscuz-feedback]Regardless, it is known that the system cannot continue and so we are living through the attempt to self demolition, with the intent that those in control will be able to rebuild and do so with even greater control.
The collapse of the Western financial system – and ultimately the Western civilization – is the main reasons for this forecast.
Covid is designed as an excuse to try resist this collapse and retain power. It won’t work.
Western societies, drunk on extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship.
So far, the Covid death toll is roughly 2 million people, if we’re being generous. If we are to add back all those flu and heart disease deaths which have miraculously disappeared then certainly the figure is significantly less.
The risk is clearly not from Covid, as even the most naïve and gullible using rudimentary math will quickly find.
The actual risk – the risk that you should be concerned with – is from the Marxist takeover we are living through and its ultimate probabilities.
What is now certain is that the economic crisis due to the lockdowns will cause far more deaths than the virus worldwide.
“Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives,”
Leading epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University
“This year has seen a perfect storm that has left 270 million people facing crisis levels of food shortages. That is double the number of people needing immediate assistance this time last year.”
Caoimhe de Barra, CEO, Trócaire
And creating untold misery:
“I think that the cost to our nation in continuing to keep these schools closed is substantial, and I’m hopeful that resources that are necessary can be made available… But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID.”
Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director
Suicide rates in Australia are forecast to rise by up to 50 per cent due to the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus and tipped to outstrip deaths from the pandemic by up to 10 times.
Australian Medical Association modelling, The Australian
My family would 100 percent starve if I don’t beg. What else can I do to feed them when there is no work?
Alireza Yousufi, 41, Kabul, talking to the Washington Times
Furthermore, lockdowns will not end.
They will be brought back like a tool, at any time, for any purpose.
Democracy is over.
This year will see elections in multiple western countries. We expect to see any opposition to the elites now in power being quashed under “health restrictions”.
Free and fair elections are finished.
The obvious political campaigning that would oppose The Great Reset will be made illegal under new laws already implemented.
What’s more is that the “sustainability agenda” which is the “Green Deal” dressed up in different pants, is now being implemented. It will bring about an astonishing fall in the standards of living, skyrocketing poverty, starvation, stagflation and an acceleration of the breakdown of civil society.
Holding this all together will require a level of authoritarianism few can imagine. This is being rolled out ahead of time. They know what is coming and are prepared for it. The populace are still largely ignorant, optimistic, gullible and completely unprepared for it.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”The public is unprepared for the consequences of the sustainability agenda – environmental devastation, skyrocketing poverty, starvation, stagflation and an accelerated breakdown of civil society.” quote=”The public is unprepared for the consequences of the sustainability agenda – environmental devastation, skyrocketing poverty, starvation, stagflation and an accelerated breakdown of civil society.”]
This persistent and ongoing tide of “woke mob” led politics is going to render the Anglo-Western social and cultural institutions impotent. The rule of law is being manipulated to preference society’s rights over individual rights. Evidence, reason and rationality are running headlong into a wall of cancel culture, as education and science is being replaced by selected procedural methods.
In effect, the civil structure on which the West was built is being ripped to shreds before our eyes. We can safely say that much of the Western world today is in second world status, descending rapidly into third world status, masked mostly by the efficiencies of globalisation built over decades that is now reversing (as I recently presented here).
Britain, a former beacon of law and order, is now under martial law with citizens being beaten and imprisoned for visiting their loved ones or going to the gym.
The push towards mass vaccinating the populace via coercion, propaganda and manipulation is in full swing.
“Health Impact Events” and deaths from these experimental unorthodox mRNA vaccines are already mounting and the campaign to suppress the truth is becoming increasingly draconian.
The extent of the economic damage done is already largely incalculable, but already exceeds that of the great depression by at least a factor of 2.
It grows exponentially with each day.
Britain is not unique, as the same is true albeit to a lesser extent for all of the West. The physical infrastructure still remains, but this masks the underlying rot. Just as an abandoned building in the tropics left uncared for is overtaken by the jungle, this existing infrastructure will slowly, then rapidly deteriorate.
At that point the physical decay and poverty will mirror the intellectual, moral and social decay, and it will finally become visually apparent.
Within a decade, many cities in the West will be unrecognisable.
This is the future of those following The Great Reset, namely Western democracies.
The Western economic system has been held together by debt. After decades of not allowing true busts to happen and kicking the can down the road, we’ve reached the inevitable dead end. The bond market is no longer functioning as the vast amount of debt is now bought by the Central Banks themselves, and fully 100% of secondary issuance is owned by the Central banks (EU) in a bid to hold down the cost of borrowing, while simultaneously being able to print more dollars.
Debt forgiveness is coming.
In a last ditch attempt to detonate the existing system and replace it, the elimination of public debt will be conducted.
It will be the largest, most egregious theft in living memory and millions of people will become impoverished overnight. This will coincide with a Digital Central Bank Currency unit tied to UBI (Universal Basic Income).
It will usher in a level of control and enslavement that will be total. China’s social credit system is the model. For more depth go read the IMF and WEF’s own papers on the topic. It won’t matter, as debt repudiation will not work.
It will likely signify the final nail in the Western led system’s coffin.
When analysing historical data, various systems of governance, and the societies being governed, it is instructive to note that the experience with the Soviet system implemented by the Bolsheviks was quite different to what lies ahead for the West.
Soviet society at the time was far more resilient than Western societies are today.
This was both as a consequence of strong family structures and largely mono ethnic culture, as well as the fact that the preceding wars fought by the soviet population had hardened society to deal with social, and economic hardships.
This is the polar opposite of Western society today, where society is outraged if someone is “misgendered” or if a “person of insufficient colour” makes a burrito (cultural appropriation).
To think that such a culture can sustain itself is beyond laughable.
Three years ago, we forecast that if this wasn’t stopped the west risked descending into tyranny.
We believe it is now too late.
Western societies today sport records in the following:
- They are THE most diverse ever,
- They are more multicultural than at any time
- They are the most personally indebted
- Their governments are the most indebted
- They experience the highest standards of living
The first two points are important since, in times of economic prosperity multiculturalism and diversity bring creativity, innovation and expansion.
But in times of economic contraction, people turn tribal.
This is exacerbated when they are turned against each other, as is the case across the western world (white privilege, stakeholder equity, toxic masculinity, gender identity).
The last point is important, since they are the least resilient and will suffer the most. Western societies don’t know hardship and when even a minor shock hits, the belief is that not only can the state provide for all who are disadvantaged, but that it should.
This is why they will borrow and print. Society will literally demand it.
Evidence of Western societies lack of resilience is to be found in the degenerate behaviour being disguised as virtue. We see it in “cancel culture”, hate speech laws, censorship of any apposing views – and now even questions, hijacking of science to fit a narrative (Covid and Climate change being the most aggressively used) and attempts to rewrite history in favour of the perpetually oppressed.
These are all signs of this crumbling system.
Not Like the USSR
To put this into context, when the Bolsheviks took over and created the Soviet system, ten percent of the population died.
Some from outright slaughter, some in Gulags, others from poverty.
The new age Bolsheviks are now in power in the West and this will likely be worse, possibly much worse for the reasons mentioned above. None of this takes into account the effects of the experimental drugs being used on populations. The result; the populations of these countries will decline.
The combination of deaths and migration will ensure this.
The Second and Third World
Right now, the jury is largely out on those countries we have formerly termed “second” and “third” world.
We are watching them closely.
Those who follow Western powers and The Great Reset, tying themselves economically and politically to them, will suffer accordingly with civil strife prevalent.
With the collapse of their economic systems, so too will the power vacuum left be filled. This in itself could become a hair trigger on an international scale. We have already seen the chess pieces on the board shifting.
China taking Hong Kong was a result of the early inning of this power vacuum. China took HK because it could. So much has happened in such a short period of time that has weakened the Western system that it is now simply a matter of time before more power plays are had on the international stage.
The West will experience intensified secessionist movements, which are likely to result this time in violence, as the system becomes authoritarian in a mad bid to hold things together.
It remains highly unlikely that the United States remain “United”.
The term “Domestic Terrorism” will become the norm as anyone diverging from the narrative will find themselves quickly deemed a “terrorist”.
Watch for it.
Second and third world countries – provided they choose NOT to ally themselves to the sinking Western ship – are better positioned to deal with hardship than the Western democracies.
Social safety nets in these countries are effectively decentralized; they are the family unit.
The requirement – and indeed ability – of their governments to “fix” the problems are lacking, and so they won’t. Those second and third world countries that choose not to follow the West will be following Russia and China, neither of which will follow The Great Reset.
They cannot, as their power structures require a wholly different approach.
They are ideologically opposed to The Great Reset and so cannot be bought as easily as the Western powers have been. This is for both economic, but also cultural and ideological reasons. Countries that tie themselves to these two will form the new makeup of the post Western world.
This is unfolding now, and is easily seen if you’re paying attention.
Different Systems
In a recent Insider publication, I remarked that;
At $7.1 trillion, the combined market cap of Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google is greater than the GDP of every country in the world with the exception of the US and China.
It is not a coincidence that every single one of these companies has been an avid and enthusiastic supporter of lockdowns. They are more powerful than many governments, and as we’ve just seen in the US, they are exerting immense political influence.
In the Western system, the corporate elites dictate government policy and they are in the process of attempting to gather as much power as possible to ensure their own survival, and indeed usher in an entirely new system.
They are calling it The Great Reset.
Backing this great reset is the grand con masquerading as “philanthropy”.
For instance, Bill Gates wealth has doubled from $54 billion to $105 billion since he started his vaccine agenda, under this carefully constructed guise of “philanthropy” whilst killing thousands, injuring millions and rendering thousands infertile (read this and this for a sample).
“First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
Bill Gates, Ted2010 Conference, emphasis ours
Those paying attention might also raise an eyebrow at his recent foray into disaster capitalism, as the measures he championed for covid-19 have allowed him to become the US’ largest farmland owner and enter a bidding war to buy Signature Aviation, the world’s largest private jet operator.
Otherwise known as “key strategic assets” in a world of government controlled movement and supply chains.
But who would notice, he’s too busy pumping 160x the amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year than the average person he is dictating the life of, for one of his “guilty pleasures“.
Dangerous megalomaniacs with socialist tendencies who are risking the entirety of humanity with a dangerous, unproven, unnecessary and rushed to market Covid vaccine for a falsified pandemic to further their interests is the stark reality of our current situation.
This is not a movie, or a story.
It is fact.
Geopolitics and Military
The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically. The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China.
The relationship between the United States and ASEAN was dealt a serious blow under the Obama administration. Nothing since has been done to repair this and instead China has grown its influence under the Belt and Road initiative.
US influence is now at an all time low, and about to get worse.
Into this void has stepped China. The implementation of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which has created the world’s largest trading block, is a stark reminder of just how rapidly Western influence is collapsing.
It is instructive to note that neither the EU nor the US are party to RCEP.
Moving to Europe and Russia; This partnership is now in tatters as the Kremlin has finally had enough and realised there is little to gain from engagement. The EU never wanted a partnership, but rather a vassal EU state.
For the same reasons that Russia will not pursue The Great Reset, Russia was never going to acquiesce to the EU’s agenda. This was always the most probable outcome, but the Covid scam, and the EU’s pushing its “Sustainability agenda” which wraps neatly into The Great Reset, is not in Russia’s interests. If there ever was any doubts as to what would happen with this partnership these have now been conclusively put to rest.
There isn’t and will not be any partnership.
Both Russia and China have been preparing for a major war since 2008, and China has been increasing its military capabilities for the last 20 years. Russia has now completely de-dollarised its economy, built a hoard of gold, and has one of the most stable balance sheets of any sovereign.
They are coincidentally self sufficient in both food and energy, both of which are about to become absolutely critical. As I’ve said many times before:
[click_to_tweet tweet=”You don’t have any political security if you don’t have energy security. ” quote=”You don’t have any political security if you don’t have energy security.”]
Western powers are in the process of virtue signalling away their energy security for brownie points at the Woke table. Whether by intent, ignorance or malice they are ceding autonomy.
Their enemies will use this against them.
Right now, their enemies need not lift a finger, as watching your enemy commit suicide is both cheaper, easier and likely a more gratifying experience.
The period of time post World War 2 is that which is in the memory of people today. I would suggest a longer timeframe is required to adequately assess the risks in front of us today. War is more the norm than most realise.
The entire global world order has been underpinned by American economic, military (especially the Navy) prowess. That order is collapsing right now and at speed.
This power vacuum WILL be filled.
As of this writing, not one in one hundred in the Western system believes that anything other than a Western led system will lead.
The brainwashing of individuals is complete, and not only do the majority believe the West holds the moral high ground, but they believe in their technological superiority.
This hubris has allowed them to entirely ignore what is taking place around them. We see it with the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones (2+2=4 = racist) which are ignored or deprecated.
Rational, objective, evidence based thinking is now uniformly categorised as “conspiracy theory”, and any questioning of the spoon fed narrative is ridiculed and then “canceled”.
That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events.
At least in the Soviet system, the silent majority of the people were aware of the fallacies they were fed. They knew they were bunkum and paid lip service to them in order to survive.
In the West however, we can see that absurd claims are actually completely believed.
Over the course of the 2020s it will become obvious that the new model (The Great Reset) is failing.
This will be taking place while the Russia-China block outperforms.
This relative and obvious divergence may lead to war, purely out of desperation (they created a fake pandemic and fake climate alarm so don’t discount a war for whatever reason).
The last piece of hegemonic power is of course… nuclear weapons.
It may be tempting to snatch victory from assured defeat when one has such power in hand.
The historians among readers will understand why we are rushing towards what may be the worlds first nuclear war.
Such a war will not halt the collapse of the western financial, and hence political system. It may just turn it into one where the casualties are counted in the billions.
We hope that such a catastrophe can be avoided.
Right now, unless the technocrats at the WEF are not halted in their tracks, the probability of this falls daily.
Our job, for ourselves, our subscribers and our clients for now is to protect our capital, profit from the inevitable, and watch like hawks to correctly (we hope) determine probabilities and outcomes.
Flexibility will be key.
In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State
This Post Has 66 Comments
Very interesting reading! History has this annoying habit of repeating itself.
9-10 years, 2030
Hey Chris,
Fascinating article. Rings too true. Keep doing what you’re doing! Hopefully we’ll make it through this absolute sh*tshow somehow.
I don’t believe the Covid crisis is made up. Maybe exaggerated but it is real. I am a family doctor in Oklahoma and this is some bad stuff. I have seen more critically ill patients than ever before in my 30 years of doing this. I do think “they” do not waste a crisis and are manipulating the public etc., but it is real and it sucks. I am optimistic that people will see thru the governmental BS and do the right things. Our cure is pretty toxic to families and our economy. Common sense is now an oxymoron.
They did not made up corona. Corona is real, but the pandemic is fake. They changed the severity of what a pandemic should be. They made it so low, we can now call this a pandemic. But up till 2005, this would not have been called a pandemic, since its a mild disease. Only 3.5% of the people that get it will feel it. And most of them are 65+.
That’s not correct. Swine flu was called a pandemic in 2009. There were dodgy vaccines pushed around then as well.
2009 came after 2005.
gain of function enhanced bioweapon, and big names are are all over the research
Thanks, Chris, for putting this in print. You, Tim, and Kuppy are the only investment pros I know who have the courage to speak the truth about all of this.
Who is Tim and where does he publish?
Most scariest forecast I’ve read in 84 years of life and glad i don’t have that many more years left.
Most recent scariest forecast I’ve read in 84 years of life and glad i don’t have that many more years left.
thank you, Chris… i totally agree with your conclusions, hopes and fears. i appreciate your free newsletter. cheers!
15 years
Chris, here is something to think about. Shuting down the economy, labeling domestic terrorists as social justice warriors may backfire ….. when the white middle class have lost everything and they have nothing left to loose they will loose it and that could be a different kind of turning point ….. a potential bright spot that may gum up the Marxist dream …. there are more guns than people in the United States ( 400 million are in circulation for a population of 330 million). In just the first six months of 2020, approximately 19 million firearms have been sold, representing more than one firearm for every 20 Americans. If the Marxist push too hard sometimes the pendulum swings violently in an unintended way. Picture this a 50 million strong armed revolt …. uncontainable. I have already moved to a rural location in anticipation of the possibility of serious civil unrest.
US Demographics by race:
The Deep State knows this! And will be prepared for this. And well in a way Americans won´t like altogether
I’d say it will be around 11 years till we see the change
Agree, only a few more month, 2 years at latest. keep rolling
Thank you for your perspective on these matters. It is sobering and teaches us not to believe all you were taught but rather question and analyse everything around you.
Being in ZA believe me that information can be distorted to fit this narrative and one has to constantly pinch yourself to ensure you are not dreaming – the stuff can’t be made up it is that bizarre.
One has to be prepared as society is fragile and violence simmering below the surface. Powerplays are the order of the day and what you say about things going tribal is spot-on.
Stay safe from South-Africa.
Completely agree, the question of course is how long can central banks keep this going? Authoritarianism is here to stay in the west, the masses are still asleep & happy to stay at home & watch the TV, too concerned over liberalism, equality, equivalence, adding to the number of genders & making sure that nobody is offended.
For the west this is the 4th Turning
As for a timeline, 2-4 years for a digital currency & 10-12 years for the end of the western civilisation & the start of a Dark Age in Europe to coincide with Global Cooling, famine & disease. Lets just hope we don’t repeat the mistake of the Minoan’s & end up eating each other.
The time fram for all this to unfold may be a bit longer, generally things seem to take a lot longer than anticipated. But the trend is there!
Close now – not yrs but days
Great info and totally agree with premise
Thank you for sharing. Many big themes. I am of a similar mind to you…but beware of your own biases and seek out those who actively and thoughtfully disagree. So easy to get trapped in an echo chamber these days.
Very true
12-18mths for one or more of the following …
i. social decay on a large enough scale for mass action
ii. financial system collapse in bond mkts or via inflation
iii. EU collapse cause by more exits or debt default/forgiveness
Geat news letter Chris.. I been trying to wake my family up to whats happening all around them but unfortuantely they are still asleep.. Quick question, are there any freedom loving countries at this point that you feel wont be touched by this lunacy?
I think freedoms will exist but it all becomes relative. There simply isn’t another country or set of countries today that will stand up for the rights of the individual to the extent that the United States did for decades (and yes I’m aware of the degradation of that too).
It is worth looking for ideologies that will appose.
War WILL be coming to europe… It all depends on if Germany wins in october. In the days leading up to the American election I drove past 2 gun stores multiple times. Both stores had a line of 20 people every day. All with Trump Flags. The marxists can’t win. Not now
I don’t believe they will but the lessons of history indicate that many may die in the process.
I’m unable to post this excellent piece to Facebook… they say it violates their community standards for spam.
Silicon Valley overlords are hard at work ensuring the great reset goes ahead.
Pleased to see your awakedness Chris. 7 years in Fiji thanks to you. Planting out a large farm and storing food now. Raising my 4yr. old son in paradise in preparation for what we knew was coming. Didn’t see any nanobot/5G/transhumanism with the vaccine clip. You may want to check that out. God bless.
Great to hear from you Richard.
Great article Chris and it mirrors a lot of what I am thinking.
I agree that people become much more tribal during economic contractions. Do you think this means expatriating to South America or whatnot is likely to be out of the frying pan and into the fire?
Do you think the Internet gives modern people a chance to turn things around much faster than the Russians in the 1920s?
Also, you might like Jon Rappoport’s coverage on COVID.
It depends on which area of South America you go to. If you are a white caucasian person better go to a country or area within this country where mostly white caucasians reside.
For instance in Colombia on the coast there are many black people. But in Medellin and Bogota you find many white people.
Southern Brazil is mostly white and so is definitely Uruguay and also Argentina.
From a nuclear war standpoint South America should very likely be the best hedge there is.
Interesting article. Although you generally do a great job of explaining cause and effect relationships, one thing I didn’t quite understand is why debt forgiveness will, in your view, be the biggest theft from the middle class. Some economists would argue that if that debt is in your own currency then it’s no big deal. Other than laughing at said economists, why do you think public debt forgiveness is a problem?
The other interesting thing will be where countries on the periphery of the blocs you talk about fall. Australia and New Zealand, for example, are economically tied to the East. But militarily and/or culturally, they form part of the West. Japan, Korea, Singapore, etc have similar issues.
It is a good question and one that deserves some fleshing out. I will see if I can grab some time to do so in a dedicated blog post. In the meantime…think it through. The entire idea that “we owe it to ourselves” if you run through the logical thinking of how that works means communism. Like I said I’ll answer in a dedicated post.
As to Oz/NZ this will be the test. Right now they are both (NZ especially) following the great reset path. I suspect that within a couple of years the fatal fallacies of this thinking will begin to reveal themselves more widely and those not awake (like our readers) will begin to see what is obvious. This may swing the pendulum. The thing to remember is this. The political class is made up of cowards who will sell themselves for whatever gains them more power. So I do think it possible about turns are made.
Samson, to grossly oversimplify, debt forgiveness will come in the form of the government defaulting on it’s Bonds. Since virtually every “investment advisor” in America recommends a bond/equity ratio tied to your age (60% bonds if you are age 60) and the reciprocal 40% in equities, it becomes easy to appropriate your wealth simply by declaring some form of bond repayment “HOLIDAY” and poof, there goes a good portion of your pension income, savings and wealth.
That is but one arrow they have in their quiver to address this debt problem at the expense of the savers, which for the most part is the middle class. The richest 1% won’t be effected, nor will the poor. It will be those who have the most to loose, Middle Americans — The Silent Majority!!!
This is why I save a good % in physical, in your hands, gold and silver
My astrologer predicts that bad times will last till 2030 at least. And we will experience mass murder like in Russia in the 1920s.
First, thank you for your time on this tremendous, complex and well characterized bird view.
Second, Is So freaking scary, stupid, crazy, avoidable, against life,… it’s true: “nobody” reads history anymore…young and adult people, they just play games, comment fake news on social media and make videos on fucking TicToc…fuck the girl/boy next door, avoiding responsibilities, shit on marriage vows and worst of it, giving a shit about their children’s family principles and respect for the other person.
I remember when I’ve warned my friends in January 2020 about what could possibly coming to be happening and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM made fun of me.
Usually, to make it easy, I use Movies to make them understand…at these days, I’m making them watch BLACK MIRROR…but there are plenty of movies to make them see what’s coming to hunt them.
The window to try to stop the Great Reset Followers is closing rapidly and I’m afraid that the fact that people don’t understand and don’t believe even 1% of this, is going to be the main reason for the described end game.
And honestly, even if some financial advices in this environment make total sense, there aren’t many VERY SAFE options to protect wealth in this financial environment. Even if you follow the right advices, they can always tax you to infinity and beyond on your right bets, they can steal your gold, make BTC illegal, rob your real estate and currency and your ideas.
The only thing they can’t easily take is your life if you shoot the guy that come to get you when you’ll be “marked” as domestic terrorist only for speaking the truth, comment on social media and giving advices.
HOWEVER, I believe that when people have nothing else to loose, they’ll fight back…and the lockdowns are getting people feed up very quickly. Governments are walking on an very thin line here…People are getting very sick of it…and I hope they’ll fight back before 2021 ends. Let’s see.
Today, was a great day, the Trump’s defense showed time and time again about the dangers of moving “forward” with the the kind of behavior that you’ve resumed. And the acquit, even if badly justified by minority leader’s speech, was nailed (not as much it should have been) on the right thing. Trump is a hard guy, is not innocent on the events, but the other side is not innocent either since day one of trump presidency. Both sides played and keep playing a dangerous game.
Thank you Chris.
Which is why for the first time in Westerners lives not only are the correct asset classes important (we think those are rather easy actually) but geographies are very very important.
I’m new here, can you expand further on these two points? Or point me to where you’ve already covered it? Thanks!
Agreed ,being a Christian I think its time to move to an Islamic or similar country . At least they are consistent in their beliefs Religion is a big problem for our new socialists. The West will never fall history says otherwise
Yes as mentioned before an ideology is needed. I alluded to this in
Could it be the ideology that people resident in, native to, immigrants of, or working in these nations, are people first?
Trouble in Texas?
You’re neighbours, be civil ffs. Not venting at any geographical region but clearly basic principles that the Sikh brothers seem to uphold (during ‘crisis’) could be borne to mind a little more sometimes.
I speak of both East and West.
Some of the finest humans who I’ve ever met are from ‘The West’ with all their prejudice and ideals. Equally true to the Confucians, Buddhists, Hindus and Islamic peoples. I didn’t meet any Jainists yet, to my knowledge.
Power fills vaccums, but entropic forces that form redistributions of power do not necessarily precipitate a more equitable rebalancing of power.
Protect your personal health and wealth of the person next to you. Chill.
Someone is playing the hate and fear.
Fuck’em. Am I my brothers keeper?
Nice, Peace, Chris!
Of course the emperor has no clothes; I wish I knew when it will all come to a head. It seems I have been betting against the criminals for a long time— and losing for a long time.
Darn good article!
Entire content here is BS so does majority of the internet. Especially about Bill Gates and the Pandemic.
Enjoy your tyranny. You clearly deserve it.
Thank you for your detailed and excoriating critique.
It’s me again. Even though this video has nothing to do with politics or economics it shows how powerful Poland will be. Keep in mind that this was mad 2 years ago.
Solving a problem has to start with a thorough analysis. Thank you Chris, for the research, clarity and frankness. For financial management and preparation, it’s clear where we should turn to – CE. However, I just missed other suggestions or provocations of actions that citizens can take. As we know from history, disaster or success is not carried out by one leader or one policy, but rather by millions that choose to follow or reject certain actions. Aside from looking for other territories to move to, which it may come to that, since we aren’t there yet, and since it’s not all lost yet, what can/should citizens everywhere start doing? Clearly, we have to think beyond marches and protests. A new battle requires new tools. Lobbying parliament, creating civil disobedience associations, coalitions to resist government reforms, boycotts? The problem is multilayered, and it requires a diverse reflection and collaboration from the whole of the social fabric (at least those of us that see it) to create new solutions to not only navigate these waters, but also to create that new frontier.
I agree the direction we are heading is very bad. The U.S. looks like its days as a democracy are soon over. In absence of a miracle, a significant part of its population will be branded domestic terrorists and dealt with. Still, some geographical pockets of sanity may prevail even decades. For example, due to their recent history, Central/Eastern Europeans have much more resilience against totalitarian ideologies than North Americans.
Russia and China are only fair-weather friends. Their shared border creates tensions. This was evident during the cold war – no love was lost there, even though both were Socialsts. If China becomes a clear world military leader, Russia will have to align herself with the West (or whatever is left of it) just to maintain balance.
It’s interesting that the article isn’t sharable on facebook. The reason given is that it has been reported as “abusive”.
I disagree on the pandemic remarks, what worries me though is a coordinated action in all Western countries to close themselves up. There was so much coordination among countries one would almost think there was some sort of unknown central governing body.
I am sort of hesitant on the global warming remarks too. I think looking at the freely available carbon dioxide data that emissions are really too high. Again the response from environmentalists is surprising. Solar panels and wind? Why not atomic energy? Too much money printing and state in these initiatives.
An astute observation about tribalism in hard times! Overall very interesting read
Could it be that the lockdowns are designed to demoralize people and make them obedient? Coupled with the extra cash from the government in many Western democracies it felt initially like an enforced holiday for many. So initially there wasn’t much to complain. In the longer term the lack of international travel means that we are no longer able to go and see first hand what is going on in other countries but have to rely instead on what the media tells us. I notice a distinct anti Chinese rhetoric in the Western media nowadays, feels almost like we’re headed for a war. If that were to happen it’s also good to have all your citizens safely back at home.
Very nice and good post. Keep up the good work
3-5 years
Evening Chris, great article with so much detail trying things together, and your conclusion ending in hope.
I’d like to say that I’ve been looking into the way fiat currency (money) is and basically it’s an illusion a swindle. But this is how do much debt is accumulated. So hang on, if there’s no money how can there be debt? Exactly there can’t, but the illusion and trickery makes it real.
So what can be done if they want to take your property, pay with a promissory note perhaps, after all this is what the bank issues.
Of course it isn’t that straight forward, one has to comprehend the bills of exchange act (UK) 1882.
And one also must realise that they are NOT a person! Fact.
This would allow liabilities to be discharged, as there’s no money or debt, one can’t pay it off.
Meaning they don’t get the money they crave, is a commerce driven society based on admiralty law/trading.
Another consideration for not giving the gains of your sweat equity to them is to not pay your taxes, after all has the government not been involved in illegal wars? Is it not illegal under their statues to finance illegal warfare! I’m not advocating a total do not pay, but let’s be sensible and pragmatic about this.
USSA (United Socialist States of America) leader: Comrade Biden and Comrade Harris
The truth of one of the main points of this article is inescapable – we are living in a “reality” that is becoming more and more false by the day. You can’t maintain a society that is increasingly operating based on what is NOT so. The real pandemic is widespread insanity: We have people screaming in the street that thousands of children will DIE if we don’t teach them about “transgender issues” in kindergarten. We have half of Congress saying that we’ll ALL die if we don’t immediately adopt Greta’s Green New Deal (now being repackaged as “Sustainability”). Trying to limit voting to only US citizens is decried as “voter suppression”. Social media giants Facebook,Twitter, and YouTube are perpetuating a false reality as they censor out the thoughts of half the people in the country.
And then there’s the economic insanity. In the midst of a supply chain crisis, ever-crazy California is implementing environmental regulations that will sideline 20% of the nation’s long-haul trucks. Anyone who thinks the Federal Reserve will be able to check inflation and avoid stalling out the economy has never looked at the history of the Fed, which has only ever been successful at one thing – fulfilling its true purpose of protecting the banks. And, oh yeah, there’s that little detail about our currency not being worth the paper it’s printed on.
Unfortunately, Chris is right – it’s already too late – we’re going to hell in a handcart, and virtually every move the government makes is just speeding things up.