Year: 2024

CapEx Team

A Giant Sucking Sound…

MAGNIFICENT 7: A GIANT SUCKING SOUND Hear that? It’s the sound of money being sucked into the Magnificent 7 (Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet/Google, Amazon, Tesla, and Meta/Facebook). So much so that the Magnificent 7 are now bigger (by market cap) than ALL the world’s energy, basic materials, utility, and transportation

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CapEx Team

✍️ “Will you sign my boobs?”

Long-time readers will be familiar with some of the contrarian indicators we discussed here over the years. Things like magazine covers and ETF listings (and also de-listings) that — more often than not — do a fantastic job capturing the market zeitgeist. Just as importantly, they also tend to be

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CapEx Team


  WOULD YOU RATHER — ROUND 2 We highlighted a somewhat absurd comparison last time between NVIDIA and a smattering of Germany’s finest blue chips. Keeping with that theme, here are a few stats that are bound to really impress folk at a cocktail party (or — depending on the company

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Would you rather…

Would you rather own NVIDIA? Or would you rather own… You probably need a break just from scrolling through this long list, but our point is this: Instead of NVIDIA (with a market cap of $2.2 trillion), you could own all these German blue chips (collectively valued at $1.84 trillion)…

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CapEx Team

A Blast From the Past

  NEW PODCAST WITH CHRIS MACINTOSH Chris recently sat down with Ladislas Maurice from the Wandering Investor to discuss the rapidly-changing macro landscape and what that means for folks allocating their capital. Here’s just a smattering of the topics they covered: …and much more. You can listen to the entire conversation between Chris

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CapEx Team

Revisiting Bitcoin

  GOLD: QUIETLY ON THE MOVE Gold has decisively broken $2,000 in dollar terms and is now solidly above $2,300. That’s not the news, though. The news is that — despite this historic move — nobody cares. Admittedly, gold is not as sexy as some AI crypto token. Don’t get us

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CapEx Team

The Green U-Turn

The pushback against the “Net Zero” scheme is growing bigger and bigger. Leading the trend are our beer-drinking, bratwurst-eating friends — some of the best designers and manufacturers of cars ever. The Germans, specifically Audi, are now doing a massive U-turn on electric vehicles, dropping their earlier goal of producing

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CapEx Team

More Bad News…

Ruh-roh! More bad news in the US banking sector (in regional banks to be more specific)… Actually, “plummet” doesn’t even properly describe the tragedy that is New York Community Bancorp. After this last bout of bad news, the stock now trades at 1996 levels — even lower than during the

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